Our Friends & Partners
Friends of Wind River Canyon Whitewater & Fly Fishing
Eastern Shoshone Tribe: http://www.easternshoshonetribe.com/
Northern Arapaho tribe: http://www.northernarapaho.com/
Big Wind Float Trips & Fly Fishing: https://www.windriverfloattrips.com/
Yellow Dog Fly Fishing: https://www.yellowdogflyfishing.com/
Guy Turck Fly Tying: http://www.turcktarantula.com
Grand Teton Fly Fishing: http://www.grandtetonflyfishing.com/
Western Wyoming Fly Fishing: http://www.markwfuller.com/
Javelina Design: http://www.javelinadesign.com
Scott Smith’s Blog: http://ssflyfish.blogspot.com/
Eastman’s Journal: http://www.eastmans.com/
Hyde Drift Boats: http://www.hydeoutdoors.com/
Mike Lawson: http://www.henrysforkanglers.com/
Mountain Drift Boats: http://www.mountaindriftboat.com/
Mike Dawes Fly Fishing: http://dawesflyfishing.com/
Northplatte Lodge: http://www.northplattelodge.com/
Sage: http://www.sageflyfish.com/
Patagonia: http://www.patagonia.com/us/home
Ross: http://www.rossreels.com/
SIMMS: http://www.simmsfishing.com/
Jeff Currier Fishing: http://www.jeffcurrier.com/
RIO: http://www.rioproducts.com/#/leaders
Off the Beaten Path: http://www.offthebeatenpath.com/
Slide Inn: http://slideinn.com/blog/
Clacka Craft: http://www.clacka.com/
BUFF Sun Protection Products: https://www.buyabuff.com/
Smith Optics: http://www.smithoptics.com/
Sweetwater Expeditions: http://www.sweetwaterfishing.com/
Jackson Hole One-Fly: https://www.jacksonholeonefly.org/
Dunoir Adventures: https://dunoirfishing.com/
WYRiverton: https://wyriverton.com/
Legacy Outfitters: Website coming soon…
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***Whitewater Rafting & Scenic Trips Only***